English Language Editor

Trafficking in Persons (TIP) is a global problem that is multidimensional and multisectoral and thus is a complex issue that requires multi-disciplinary solutions with many stakeholders. Nepal is a source, transit, and destination country for sex, labor, and organ trafficking. The 2018 “Walk Free Foundations Global Slavery Index” revealed that two-third out of 40.3 million people around the world who have been living under the modern slavery are in Asia and the Pacific. Out of them 70 percent are women and girls. According to that data 6 percent of total population of Nepal are compelled to live under modern slavery (Walk Free Foundations Global Slavery Index can be accessed here). The Hamro Samman project is a five-year program generously supported by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the British people through the United Kingdom’s UK Aid and implemented by Winrock International. It seeks to build the capacity of and facilitate coordination among the Government of Nepal (GON), civil society, and private sector to combat human trafficking in Nepal.
Trafficking in Persons (TIP) is a global problem that is multidimensional and multisectoral and thus is a complex issue that requires multi-disciplinary solutions with many stakeholders. Nepal is a source, transit, and destination country for sex, labor, and organ trafficking. The 2018 “Walk Free Foundations Global Slavery Index” revealed that two-third out of 40.3 million people around the world who have been living under …

English Language Editor

Views: 2261 | This job is expired 3 years ago

English Language Editor (Consultant) – To edit monthly highlight, success stories, and other materials  of Hamro Samman- on call basis


Hamro Samman seeks an English Language Editor (Herein after referred as “the Consultant”) to provide professional English editing services of Hamro Samman communication materials and knowledge products. The Consultant will be required to coordinate with Hamro Samman Communication and Program team to undertake  his/her assignments. 

Tasks and Output: 

To achieve the objective, the consultant is expected to undertake the following tasks: 

Under the overall supervision and guidance of the Communication and Partnership Specialist and in close consultation with the Program Implementation Manager, the Consultant will be responsible for providing  professional English editing services of Hamro Samman's various communication and outreach materials, monthly highlights, success stories, etc. The scope of work requires substantive experience and an in-depth  understanding of gender equality and trafficking in person, safe migration, behavioral communication, and  excellent writing and analytical skills. The detailed scope of work and responsibilities of the assignment are as  follows: 

  • Substantive/language editing, to ensure quality, standard, coherence, and robustness of the document.  In this connection, the Consultant will: (a) ensure that content ambiguities, vagueness, redundancy,  deficiencies, and inconsistencies are resolved, (b) Typographical and language errors are eliminated, (c)  overall structure of the document is strengthened, and (d) the general readability and appeal of the  manuscript/documents are enhanced. 
  • The responsibilities include thorough proofreading in conformity with the donor communication,  branding, and marking guidelines. 
  • Copyediting to ensure accuracy in language, structure, and expressions. 
  • As part of copyediting, ensure (a) precision in word choice; (b) conformity of style with donor and  organization standard; (c) correctness of sentence structure; (d) clarity and comprehensibility of  messages; (e) correctness of terminologies; and (f) fine-tuning of articulations to achieve high-quality  native English expression. 
  • Provide technical expertise and advisory services on effective communication of results as and when  required. 

Timing, Duration and Location: 

The duty station is Kathmandu, Nepal. However, the consultant can work from his/her residence. The duration  of the assignment is one year on a retainer basis (as and when required- on call basis). 


Education: Master’s degree in Journalism and Communication, Development Communication, English, or any  other related field of studies. 

Technical: A minimum of 10 years of professional experience in English editing, proofreading, and report  writing. 


  • A highly professional, efficient, accurate, and deadline-complaint editing service of English language  knowledge products by ensuring accuracy in language, structure, and rhetoric expressions as stated in the  above-mentioned scope of work and responsibilities. 
  • Documents delivered (preferably) in Microsoft Word in three versions: clean copies, copies with changes  track marked, and third versions with comments of edited English text.  
  • The edited documents ensure content ambiguity is resolved, errors in language are removed, the structure is  improved, and the overall quality and standard of the edited knowledge products are enhanced.  
  • The Consultant is also required to reflect in her/his comments and corrections the principles upon which such corrections were done.  
  • Demonstrated experience and expertise in editing communication and outreach related knowledge products. 
  • Proven experience of behavioral communication and adult learning will be an advantage. 
  • Proven expertise in Human Rights, Governance, Human Trafficking, Gender equality, and social inclusion related issues; & 
  • Previous experience of working with government, donors, civil society organizations (CSOs) will be an asset. 

This job has expired.

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